Azmi St, Tripoli, Lebanon    06 - 205 875

Admission Papers

Islamic Hospital is always ready to welcome all patients from different backgrounds.

The side Cold Operations Urgent Operations Hospitalization
Ministry of Health - ID of the patient
- ID of one of the parents if the patient is under the age of majority
- Take an appointment from the hospital with a presciption from the responsible doctor
- Signature of the supervisor doctor assigned from the ministry
- Bring an approval from Orange Naso center
- Go to the admission office to perform tests required before the operation and reserve a bed
- ID of the patient as soon as he's in the urgence department
- ID of one of the parents if the patient is under the age of majority
- Signature of the supervisor doctor assigned from the ministry
- Bring an approval from Orange Naso center
- Prescription from the responsible doctor
- ID of the patient
- ID of one of the parents if the patient is under the age of majority
Army - Bring a pre-approval from the medical center of the army
- Military card of the patient
- Inform the medical center of the army about the admission - Military card of the patient
Internal Security Forces - Medical card of the patient
- Bring a pre-approval from the medical center of the internal security forces
- Take the official papers from the hospital to bring the approval - Medical card of the patient
General Security - Military card of the patient
- Bring a pre-approval
- Prescription from the responsible doctor
- Take the official papers from the hospital to bring the approval
- Military card of the patient
State Security - Military card of the patient
- Bring a pre-approval
- Prescription from the responsible doctor
- Take the official papers from the hospital to bring the approval
- Military card of the patient
Cooperative of Government Employees - Pre-approval from the cooperative - Take the official papers from the hospital to bring the approval - Pre-approval
Insurances - ID of the patient
- Insurance card
- Pre-approval from the insurer party
- ID of the patient
- Insurance card
- Approval from the hospital
- ID of the patient
- Insurance card
UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency - ID of the patient
- UNRWA card
- Family card
- Pre-approval from the UNRWA
- ID of the patient
- UNRWA card
- Family card
- Take the official papers from the hospital to bring the approval
- ID of the patient
- UNRWA card
- Family card
- Take the official papers from the hospital to bring the approval